Learning Email - 5

In your Gmail window, click on a bold message heading to read the message. 

Notice that the information on the left side of the screen (the sidebar) stays the same, so you can easily click one of the links to return to the Inbox.

Explore the open message box, then return to the Inbox. 

Click Compose to write a new message.

You will enter the email address of the person you are sending a message to in the To: box at the top.  An email address always has a username, @ sign, and . extension, like this:




The subject box is where you type the topic of the email.  For example, when applying for a job, you would write Application for Bricklaying Job in the subject line so the person who gets the email would know what it was about and open it.

The largest box is where you type your message.  When you are finished, click Send in the top right corner to send your email.  It is instantly delivered to the email inbox of the person you addressed it to.

Call to Book Basic Computer Training

Call or visit the Adult Learning Center at the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library.

824 First Avenue West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K4
(519) 376-6623 ext. 300
