Searching the Internet - 8

For the next exercise, let's try to learn more about Owen Sound.  Type the following into the search box:

Deb Haswel

Then click on Google Search.

Oops, we spelled our mayor's name wrong!  However, Google suggests the right spelling. 

Click on the link that suggests the correct spelling... and there is the link to the page we are looking for!

You must make sure the words you type in the search box are spelled correctly.  Google will sometimes suggest a correct spelling, but your chances of finding the right information are better with correctly spelled search terms.

Search Rule #4- Watch Your Spelling

Call to Book Basic Computer Training

Call or visit the Adult Learning Center at the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library.

824 First Avenue West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K4
(519) 376-6623 ext. 300